Let us tell you how to help you
At INOHSCLEANING, we understand that every property is unique and requires a personalized approach to look its best. We want to tell you how we can help revitalize and protect your surfaces through our high-quality pressure washing services. From removing dirt and mold to restoring the original appearance of your outdoor areas, we are here to deliver exceptional results. Our team, Jairo and Carolina, takes pride in providing reliable and professional service in Palm Beach County, with the dedication that only a family-owned business can offer. Let’s talk and discover how we can transform your space!

Contact us
Contact Info
Address: Boynton Beach, Fl
Mobile: 728-200-3978

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At INOHSCLEANING, we want to ensure that all your questions are answered clearly and accurately. In this Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section, you’ll find detailed information about our pressure washing services, our process, the types of surfaces we clean, and more. If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help!
We can clean a variety of surfaces, including driveways, sidewalks, patios, decks, fences, roofs, and exterior walls. Our pressure washing services are suitable for both residential and commercial properties, ensuring thorough cleaning without causing damage.
It depends on factors like weather conditions, location, and the type of surfaces. Generally, we recommend pressure washing once a year to maintain your property’s appearance and prevent the buildup of dirt, mold, and algae. However, high-traffic areas or places prone to humidity might need more frequent cleaning.
Yes, our pressure washing services are safe when performed by trained professionals. We use the appropriate pressure levels and techniques for each surface to prevent damage while effectively removing dirt and grime. Your property’s safety is our top priority.
You don’t need to be home as long as we have access to the areas that need to be cleaned. Before starting, we’ll review any special instructions and make sure everything is prepared. Rest assured, we will treat your property with the utmost care and professionalism, whether you are present or not.